Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks everyone!!

On Wednesday we asked our friends to help us spread the word about Home Grown Apps and our little game called Hop 2 It. In a day we received about 80 "likes" on our facebook page and a couple blog followers. Thank you!!!!!! We also got a good amount of Hop 2 It that was all so helpful and heart warming!

A couple of our friends sent pictures of their little one's playing the adorable! I love to watch kids play the game. It's funny to see and hear what they like, what they don't like and how some of the boys just like to crack the eggs! Hilarious! Boys and girls are just different. One very tiny girl...probably too young to play, cracked one of the eggs and almost cried. We were kinda scared...and almost changed the game, but decided, a cracked egg couldn't possibly be anything like all of these other war and gun games, so we kept it.

I was in Trader Joe's about a month ago and there was a little boy riding in the shopping cart. All of the sudden he pulled out a toy gun and started shooting the lasers at me. I laughed, not at him but at his mother's reaction. She was mortified and apologized. I said, don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure he's going to turn out ok. She seemed to be relieved that I wasn't alarmed and somewhat grateful that I didn't give her a lecture.

Motherhood has got to be a tough job...Who knows what's right? There's a new theory probably every other don't be too hard on yourself mommy-it will all be alright! Some of you are probably already saying...what does she does she know my kid is going to be ok??!?!? Well, I don't, but I do know one thing. Worrying about it won't do a bit of good. So relax a little.
Hopefully, our games and books will give you a little respite from your hectic day of parenting.

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