On Saturday I went with a few friends to a magical hidden land...one with waterfalls, cliffs and surprises around every corner.
OK...that picture is only partially true. Sam couldn't join us and when I came back with these amazing images he just couldn't help himself. Photoshop can do almost anything.
Anyway...the place was amazing...even if it didn't look quite like Jurassic Park!
My friend Roshelle and I rode in the back seat...so the hour long ride wasn't exactly the best for two people who get car sick...but once we finally made it up the winding road...the views were spectacular and the hike was outrageous!
The place is tucked away far from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles and it's hard to believe you are so close to the city...but yet so far...far away.
This pic was taken at the first pool of water you come to after hiking for probably a couple miles. Everyone was jumping off the cliffs and Caroline and her sister slid down a natural made slide...if you will. I actually can't believe I didn't get in the water. I love to swim...but I just couldn't do the green. There was lots of algae and although I am usually the first one to take the leap...I decided to wimp out. I never regretted my decision until the guys and Roshelle trekked their way to the last pool at the end of the trail. I was pooped and thought I'd relax in the cleff of a rock while they went diving. I enjoyed myself but when they returned they had these amazing photos of them jumping into the water. I was jealous and now I must go back and do the same!
This is one of the reasons I love living in SoCal. There is sooo much to do...so much to explore. You could never find every little hidden gem...it's impossible, but when you stumble upon something like this...wow, you just have to take a minute to soak it all in. The thing is...it really doesn't matter where you live, you can find inspirational places in any town...you just have to look for them. If an avid hiker wouldn't have told a friend of a friend about Tar Creek, we would have never known it existed!
I guess that's life. No one will ever know what's going on, where you visit, what you like, etc...if you don't tell them. Now...we live in such a day that "spreading the word" isn't too difficult but could you imagine how hard it was for those living before us?
Regardless...I'm thankful I have my cell phone and I don't have to hike my way through mountains and valleys to get to mom's house! Now I can call her, jump on a plane and within hours, I'm home.
Speaking of home...we'll be in Ohio next week...and also KY, spreading the word about Bedtime Bunny Tales...hopefully Apple will have approved it by then...but as of now, no word. We'll keep ya posted but until then...find some adventure for yourself and dive right in!
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