Monday, September 5, 2011

Apps-Friends and Labor Day

have so many things swirling in my head this morning. Gratitude is at the forefront of my mind, while the day's tasks are really trying to inch their way forward! I'm going to resist the urge to close this laptop and get back to working on the house because I want to put my gratitude down on paper...or at least cyberspace.

First of all, the HGTV project has been amazing. The very first day I was a little nervous...and then yesterday I felt a slight bit off...we were taking down the support walls-the temporary framing that was holding up the roof. I mean, all of our hard work was coming down to this moment...remove them and the roof collapses or remove them and viola...we're golden. Ok, we were/are Golden!! whew! This little video is not of the completely removed walls...just evidence that I really am doing work!

Now...on to the gratitude part. None of this could have been accomplished without the help and support of our friends. I mean, Tyler and Roshelle have showed up for all the dirty work, while Kal-a friend of a friend has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Without his direction...I don't think we could even do any of this. Before this is all said and done I'll post all of His business info for you. If your building anything here in SoCal I highly recommend him. Besides all of the hands on help we've had numerous peeps helping us out with recommendations, advice and tools.'s a huge thank you to all of you!!! You make our life so much sweeter! (and less dirty).

While we are working on the house we are trying to also keep our day jobs! I do believe that we really are close to finishing our app for toddlers, Bedtime Bunny Tales. I've said this before but I think it's actually going to happen. We have had such bad luck with our programmers.When I first started our blog I talked a lot about programmers and how difficult it is to work with them. Well...I stand by that statement! Things were going so smoothly and then we just hit a wall. Hopefully this last version they just sent us will be our last...keep your fingers crossed. our beloved holiday, Labor Day. Today is the day for BBQ's and chillaxing. I hope you are living it up! Speaking of work- Saturday night I had two hours to kill so I went to see the movie, The Help. Incredible...I mean, award winning, brilliant, heart wrenching, change your life incredible. The movie is about the maids that worked for the white families of a small Mississippi town during the civil rights movement. It was funny, sad and inspiring all at once...and if you haven't seen it...I suggest you run to your nearest theatre for a little R and R.

Have a great one...until next time!

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