In an era of iPads, smart phones, smart this...smart that-the age old daytime soap just can't keep up with technology or just can't keep up with the new-average American television watcher.
Today ABC announced the final episode of the Daytime Emmy Award-winning drama series, “All My Children,” will air on Friday, September 23. The iconic series will end in a manner that respects the show’s legacy and honors its history. Many former cast members including Josh Duhamel will make an appearance.
I've gotta mention Susan Lucci...for a couple reasons. First of all, my good friend, Roshelle Pattison Baier, here in Hollywood has been working as her double for the past several months. She said Susan is sweet, beautiful and in very good shape. She said it has been such a great experience working with Susan and that she's now ready for her own soap(ok, we said that but...she is ready for her own show!). My hubby and I have pegged her as the next Jennifer Aniston...I digress.
Susan...is an institution. She's been on that show for years...and we're guessing she's going to land another huge show-she's got to. How many of our mom's have been watching All My Children for the past 20 years? I have to admit-we watched the CBS soaps...As the World Turns, Guiding Light...etc. but Susan...she can't quit now-her loyal followers would revolt.
Now, back to technology, apps, etc. Sounds like a boring topic after jabbering about stars...and soon to be stars...but it's the future man...
We're building an app f

Ok...hope all of you have a wonderful fourth of July...oh, almost forgot! We just sent our second app for toddlers to Apple for approval. If you've downloaded Hop 2 It already...you're familiar with Twinkles. Well...this time, Twinkles is learning her ABC's. Awesome.
I grew up watching Susan Lucci as Erica Kane on AMC...right after Sesame Street!! She is a legend!