The British are coming...the British are coming! For some reason...anything and everything English keeps popping up all around me....and this last weekend was no exception.
So...I was driving to Marina Del Rey yesterday afternoon to meet my very good friend, Shawnee...a sorority sister from college and I was stopped by a small traffic jam. Traffic isn't any big surprise, but I wasn't on the freeway, I was just in my little neighborhood. Low and behold it was Kate and William leaving Sony Studios (exactly one mile from our house)! They attended a veterans hiring expo on the Sony Lot. I appreciate their interest in our vets!!
This morning I go online and Victoria Beckham is all over the place with pictures of her new dog and her sunbathing while preggers! Darling photos...but more Brits! And it doesn't stop there...
I seem to be surrounded by the English...and everything pointing to England.
First of all we attend an Anglican Church (Episcopal), the lady for whom I worked last year is from England. The man we hired to voice Grandpa Bunny in our eBook is English along with the narrator and we are visiting London (for the first time) next month!!
Oh...and I can't forget the 4th of July...the day we remember our independence from England!!
Anyway...what does all this mean? I have no idea!!
This week is a busy one for us. We are suppose to get the final version of Bedtime Bunny Tales back from the programmers tomorrow...then we'll send it to Apple for approval. We are thinking of shooting a commercial-maybe 15 seconds showing how the remote reader option works. We'll see if we have the time and resources...
Hope you have an amazing's to Monday and the Brits!
And we can't wait to have you out here... where your Britification shall be complete!