Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life's ups and a minute your life can change.

Ok...I'm being a little philosophical but my life changed, or at least my mood changed in the click of a mouse.

So, I'm sure you are now all aware that we are waiting for Apple to re-approve our app for kids, Bedtime Bunny Tales and the waiting game is killing me. I have to admit, I've been kinda in a daze...confused, bewildered, downright mad and a little down in the dumps. All of this work and Apple says it doesn't fit their guidelines!! Ughhh. I finally received an email yesterday saying they would call us within 24 hrs. No call yet! Anyway...back to the mood changing event...

I go to our Apple Account and change a few things...updating our profile, etc. Then I go to manage our sales. Remember when we first released our game Hop 2 It and I was so excited...checking the downloads...where they were from and how many? I couldn't wait to wake up and go see what was going on but after a couple months sales really slow down...and I slacked on visiting the site. Well, today, I stumbled upon the numbers and wow! Someone is talking about us! We had almost 500 downloads yesterday and almost 200 the day before. This was quite significant and now I need to find out who's talking about us...because, it certainly hasn't been me. Like I said, I haven't been super excited...kinda bummed but thank God!

Now, back to you. Sometimes we all need to encourage one another. Here lately Sam's been my encourager and I soooo appreciate it. We often use the example of American Idol when we talk about how your life can change in an instant. Could you imagine going from working at a video store to being on the cover of Rolling Stone? Yeah, that's quite the scenario, but all it takes is one right move. Today...I needed a little push, something to get me going again...hopefully, you too will know,that your situation can change in a blink of an eye. Here's a little inspiration from Oprah...


  1. I heard a quote recently from an editor at Esquire magazine, "I interview people all the time that live extraordinary lives and all of them take risks." - Cal Fussman
    Way to take a risk guys!

  2. Taking risks...yes, but can't everything just happen now?!? LOL, thanks for your support Franci!
