Monday, November 28, 2011

Fun in the sun and snow...

I've been reading the many posts on Facebook that express each individuals gratitude during this Thanksgiving season...and it's been interesting. I kinda felt bad that I didn't participate in the 30 days of giving thanks (or whatever it was called), but I haven't been in the posting...writing kind of mood...I've been in the "let's get together in person" kind of mood-which in turn left me too tired to write! Last Saturday Sam and I went to Wrightwood,CA...about an hour and a half east of L.A. for a little zip lining-the video says it all...

Southern California Zipline Canopy Tour | Navitat Wrightwood from Navitat Canopy Adventures on Vimeo.
We met up with some friends-then hit the trail. It was amazing. The town itself is so far from what you'd think of when you think "Hollywood" that it doesn't seem possible that it could only be a hop skip and a jump from the city. It looked like a little Colorado mountain town...but is definitely SoCal!
The craziest part about the trip wasn't dangling in mid air on a zip line but the thought of being on the beach just 2 days prior playing volleyball after a huge Thanksgiving potluck!
The stark difference of sunning near the ocean then freezing my booty off in the mountains is a true wonder. You know they say SoCal is the only place that you can go snow skiing and surfing in the same day...and now I know that's true.'s what I'm thankful for this year...
A great group of friends that are my family away from family...a wonderful city in which to live and a loving husband that didn't leave me to fend for myself when I fell on the ice in Wrightwood (you'd think an Ohio girl would know better)!

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