Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First Day of Summer...

Today marks the first day of summer. We know that most of you have been enjoying some super hot temps already...while we here in Los Angeles are enduring the dreaded June Gloom. Yes, June gloom is real...but not as bad as it sounds. From early morning to mid-day it is overcast but the sun usually peaks its head out in the afternoon. The temps are moderate and there aren't too many days you'd pick to go swimming.

Growing up in Ohio was a different story. The first day of sun meant bathing suits and pool parties. After the long winter...everyone is ready for any kind of relief so regardless of how cold the water is...it isn't optional-you're taking a dip!

So how does technology play a part in your summer break? Do you have rules about how much time you allow your little one to be on the computer...phone, iPad, etc.? Is it harder to keep them away from the t.v. now that they have more free time? According to one study...75 percent of mothers hand their smartphone's to their kids. Setting clear limitations on using devices is critical in keeping your children well balanced and off the couch! Technology is great...but over use can be damaging!

Here are some good tips on avoiding media overload!

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