Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I’m flying high...literally. I'm in a plane headed toward Columbus, Ohio...who would have thunk it???The World Wide Web from the comfort of your tiny airplane seat-wow!

Yesterday morning we interviewed with HGTV’s Professional Grade’s crew. The crew being two super cool peeps-the lady just moved to LA from Colorado and was missing the beautiful Rockies while the producer-a lovely gentleman who moved here from Houston LOVES LA and is a former television reporter-we bonded. Anyway, they asked us some questions, shot video of the wall we plan to take down and then shot some extra footage-just in case. I found the casting call on Craigslist and I’d applied to other shows before with no luck…but this one, I think we got it. I’m super excited…but it makes me tired just thinking of what we have to do. Below is a picture of a rendering Sam built in 3D. That's what our living room looks like now...kinda. Here's what it will look like when we finish the renovation...

If you’ve never watched Professional Grade, it’s a reality show on HGTV where home owners complete a renovation project on their own, then the network sends in the pro’s to grade your performance. If you spend less than what a pro would charge for the same type of work…you win the difference. Here’s an example; We spend 500 dollars on the island that we build ourselves. The pro’s come in, check it out…if it meets their standard and they believe they could charge 1000 for the same island…we win the difference-dollar bills-ya’ all! For your viewing pleasure I've embedded a full episode.

Ok…I’m not going to get to excited-we haven’t been chosen yet…but we do have something exciting to share. Last night the “lite” version of Bedtime Bunny Tales went live! That means it’s available on iTunes-whew! Finally! The “lite” version is just the first 7 pages,it's free…so we really need Apple to approve the full book because we are missing the upgrade and you will be left with a cliff hanger! Keep your fingers crossed! Click on the tiny url for a preview!

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